Saturday, July 14, 2012


On Saturday, July 14th, I was baptized in the Orthodox church. The event took place at the Sfânta Treime Tei church in Bucharest. There were two other children getting baptized too, but I was the bravest and cried the least. The two others were older than me, and got scared of the water and the priests.

As my godmother, aunt Doriana was carrying me during the whole ceremony. First I was in the entrance hall of the church where the priest read a prayer to allow us to enter into the main hall. Since I was not yet baptized I needed this to go into the church for the ceremony. Once Dori carried me into the church main hall the baptism ceremony started. After some readings and prayers it was time for me to go into the holy water. For this, the priest held me, and he was very careful to cover both my ears and nose, so I wouldn't get water in them. The dipping was very fast 3 times. My grandmother, Aase, actually thought I had only been dipped once, since it was so fast. :) Afterwards the priest painted crosses with oil on my body and said another prayer. After a few more rituals the ceremony was over and I was now a member of the Romanian Orthodox church and I got my baptism certificate.

The guests at my baptism were my grandparents from Denmark, Aase and Ole, my grandmother, Cornelia, and Adrian from Romania, my aunt and Godmother, Doriana, my mom's cousin, Bianca, my mom and dad's godson, Tudor, and his sister, Miruna, and dad, Mihai.

After the church ceremony we went to a nearby restaurant called Anatolia. Mom and dad had made reservations there for lunch. Tudor's mom joined us there and Miruna went home, since she had to study for an exam. It was a very nice lunch with good food and great weather. We sat outside on their terrace. It got a bit hot towards the end of the afternoon, but we still enjoyed being there. After the restaurant I, mom and dad, Dori and the grandparents went to my home. Here I had the traditional bath from the godmother in water that had a silver coin for wealth, a feather for light and easy life, a flower for beauty and honey for sweetness. After that the adults had some snacks and cakes and I had a nap. :)

I was very happy about my Danish grandparents being there. They stayed with us for 5 days from Friday to Wednesday. I loved when grandmother and I "hyggede" in the morning. She would feed me and play with me, and mom and dad would relax a bit. Granddad was also fun. We played and he would carry me around if I got a bit upset or sad. We went to parks and shopping malls during their stay. We liked the shopping malls, because they had air conditioning. The weather was very hot, with temperatures over 35 degrees, so the outside activities were limited. I was very sad when they went back to Denmark. For a couple of days I still hoped to see them, but they were already back home.

Here are pictures from their visit and my baptism. The pictures are on Flickr, since there are so many.

Click here to see the full screen slideshow.

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